DELIVERY: As of 2/1/2025, I will hand carry your puppy with me inside the plane next to me to your local airport personally. Shipping them in a crate under the plane in cargo can be overwhelming.
Your puppy will first be examined by a veterinarian to ensure perfect health, will be parasites free, and be updated on all age-appropriate vaccinations. I only ask for $200 to help defray my transportation costs.
When you email, please let me know why you have chosen the poodle breed and what kind of lifestyle you have to offer a poodle. Tell me what you are looking for as far as temperament, size, color, etc. I also need to know if you ever intend to breed or show your poodle in the future. Realize that I can only send you your puppy's AKC registration after you send me proof of spay or neuter.
To secure your puppy, a $200 deposit is required.
I am told that I respond quickly to questions and concerns. I like to make myself available and share what I know to help you care for your new poodle. Please email me with your interest.
Please be aware that some poodle websites have an "ordering" page. It's not as simple as that. Waiting to get your perfect dream poodle can seem like an eternity once you have placed one on hold, but in fact young puppies are constantly developing. Once you place a deposit, I like to send you pics and videos of your baby so you don't miss out. If you place a deposit on a puppy, realize that the deposit is nonrefundable. The reason for this is that putting a hold on a puppy stops others from considering your baby, time they could have enjoyed watching its development. I usually have a feeling for when someone really bonds with a new puppy, or not, so please don't place a deposit until you are really ready to start letting puppy love fill up your life. I don't like to accept deposits until after a litter is born as I don't know what will actually turn out. I can't make a promise that I will have your dream puppy, which you deserve to get. But I do have waiting lists of people wanting a specific size, color, sex, temperament. Just because there are many people on my list doesn't mean that you might not get what you want. Poodles have so many options that it's worth asking about. However, most people do want a girl. My girls are the most expensive to try to encourage people to at least consider what the boys have to offer. Boys are often just as loving, just as sweet, just as trainable as females, and overall are less complicated. You'll find all that on Google.
My prices start at $1200 for the most common cream-colored, miniature-sized male. The prices increase from there depending on sex, color and predicted adult size. The most expensive is $2500 which is for the very rare teacup size, less than 4 pounds full grown. Those teeny puppies get my 24/7 care, and for more than 10 weeks (the usual time my puppies go to new homes). I would rather have a possible medical problem happen in my care than in yours and the price reflects my extended care. I do not let sick puppies go to new homes. I also do NOT ship the teacup size in air - pick up only, but I will meet you at a Florida airport should you decide to fly in. BEWARE any breeder who breeds females 4 pounds or less. Newborn poodle puppies are all mostly the same size whether the dam is 3 pounds or 12 pounds, but imagine a teacup mother trying to push through a hamster-sized puppy through - very dangerous to both mother and baby, so obviously a teacup poodle breeder does not prioritize the health of the poodle, only the lining of their wallet.
I do ship through air cargo, free to Los Angeles Airport ONLY. It has just become too expensive (vet and airlines) and it now takes me 5 hours to drive to either Atlanta or Miami to ship a puppy. Again, I don't mind driving to any closer airport like Gainesville or Tampa should you prefer to fly out to pick up your puppy. I will ship to other states (in the continental U.S. only) but must ask for the shipping fees be covered, $350.
It is much safer and more comfortable for puppies to be hand-delivered to their new owners, so if you live within a drivable distance, I will only charge you for my gas, and I have a Ford Fiesta, 40 MPG. I once met a family from Montana in Tennessee to hand-deliver their little puppy. I was a little tired from the trip, but was re-energized when I saw all the happy faces of the family. I also got to show them how to do some of the grooming techniques in person.
Lastly, know that I will always be here for you should you need to discuss a problem, share a funny story, learn about grooming, or anything I can possibly share my experience about. I love keeping in touch with people getting my poodles, seeing how well they treat their fuzzy babies, dressing them up in pajamas, liddle shoes, liddle socks (squeeee!), etc. They'll always be my kids out there!
Files coming soon.